While connected car technology is often assumed to be mostly “infotainment,” a mix of music and web browsing with perhaps a little navigation thrown in, it’s easy to forget that one of the most important functions of a connected vehicle is safety in the event of a breakdown, or even after an accident.
Building on its reputation as the world’s safest vehicle brand, Volvo has become the first automaker to adopt Accident Advisor, a telematics-based service created by Chicago-based CCC Information Services Inc. The goal of the service is to help drivers do all the right things after an accident and get those processes get started. The advice is doled out step-by-step, helping drivers and passengers through the shaky moments after an accident.
“It’s basically an end-to-end experience to guide you through all those moments right after the accident happens,” Marc Fredman, Head of Strategy at CCC, told Forbes. “It really guides you through every single step you need to do–which pictures should you take, how do you take notes at the accident, what you should do with your car.”
Here’s how it works: In the event of an accident, the app collects and processes data using an artificial intelligence component that calculates all the next steps. It will determine if emergency medical help is required and summon it if necessary. The app will then send crash data both to Volvo and other parties designated by the user. Drivers using Accident Advisor can immediately notify their insurance companies and begin the process of filing a claim, and the app will provide relevant contact information. Users can also book an appointment with a repair shop or prompt the driver to record and photograph the scene, if it’s advised.
“Our ultimate goal is to make the customer’s life less complicated and make sure we repair that vehicle to the highest quality possible,” Scott Doering, VP of Customer Service at Volvo Car USA, told Forbes.
The service will be free to Volvo owners with vehicles that are model year 2015 or later, and are equipped with connectivity to the Volvo network, according to the company.